
The new building for stabling, production, and laboratory facilities
In 2012, dedicated facilities were constructed in The Science Park (SCION DTU) including stables, laboratories, and rooms for production and administation. Ethical clearence and permission for animal experimentation were granted in 2013. Approval for final fill and finish of the medicinal drug TSO was obtained in 2018.
Main characteristics of the building are:
- High containment stables.
- Triple barrier confinement.
- Separate units for stables, laboratories and production.
At a separate location, ParaTech has a back-up laboratory and secured storage facility which serve as long-term storage of stability samples, Master Egg Bank backup, retained samples, and QA documentation.
Additional Research facilities
ParaTech has an ongoing research collaboration with the University of Copenhagen e.g. in the contect of severeal research projects supported by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.